Brushfire accepts submissions year-round. However, the cut-off date for submissions to be considered for the Fall edition is October 14, while the cut-off date for the Spring edition is March 14. For the sake of time, we only review pieces submitted through our website.

Though Brushfire is a student-run publication at the University of Nevada, Reno, we do accept and publish submissions from anyone, anywhere on earth. We accept any and all printable forms of art. But, we DO NOT offer monetary benefits for submissions. Instead, what we offer is the opportunity to have your work published in an award-winning, nationally recognized literature & arts journal. Brushfire allows for multiple submissions from the same artist, but we ask that you only submit original, unpublished work. 

Other than the basic requirements outlined below, Brushfire DOES NOT follow any pre-established rules of evaluation in terms of deciding what does and does not go into the journal. We believe each new wave of submissions tells us its own collective story, weaves together its own themes, and pieces together its own mosaic of images. With this in mind, we only establish a criteria for review once we have seen all of the subject matter from which a criteria can be fairly formed. We are happy to provide you with more in-depth feedback about submissions upon request.

If you are submitting multiple pieces, please ensure each separate file is uploaded in the same submission.

If you have any questions that are not addressed in this letter, please feel free to contact us!

Visual Art & Photography:

  • Art and design submissions may include, but are not limited to: photography, painting, graphic design, printmaking, sculpture, watercolour, mixed media or drawing. All visual art submissions should be 300dpi, CMYK and either .jpg or .png.
  • Please name each file with the title of your piece, otherwise work will be published as “Untitled”. 
  • When submitting multiple pieces, please attach multiple files to the same submission unless work is different mediums (ie photography vs visual art). 

Poetry & Prose:

  • Brushfire accepts poetry, prose, fiction, screenplays, creative non-fiction and other non-fiction pieces. There is no guideline to what your literature should look like—we consider experimental, traditional, Shakespearean, etc. We ask that your submission be at most 3,000 words. The likelihood of your submission being published decreases as it exceeds the word limit.
  • Please name each file with the title of your piece, otherwise work will be published as “Untitled”. 

Multilingual Work

  • Brushfire accepts and encourages non-English submissions. We do require a translation of the work to accompany the original piece. If the written work is ultimately accepted for publication, we will publish the original work in its original language alongside the translation. 

By submitting to the Brushfire, you acknowledge and agree with the following statements:

  1. I permit the Associated Students of the University of Nevada (ASUN) to publish the work submitted by me in the Brushfire publication, website, multimedia, DVD or promotional materials. 
  2. The Brushfire claims first world electronic rights (text and audio), first print rights, and non-exclusive anthology rights. If you are unfamiliar with the term “First Rights,” an explanation can be found here. All rights are restricted to English language unless specifically stated otherwise.
  3. I confirm and agree to the following:
    1. All work submitted by me is my original work and does not illegally infringe upon any other individual or entity. The Brushfire does not accept AI generated content. 
    2. As the author/artist I retain all reprint copyrights to the submitted work.
    3. All source material from other work(s) have been acknowledged within the body or text of work or in footnotes or credits.
    4. I indemnify any and hold harmless the ASUN and the Brushfire from any intellectual property claims by any third party.
  4. If the work submitted by me is accepted, I am entitled to two mailed copies of the edition in which my work appears if I am within the United States. If I am outside of the United States, copies will be mailed if funds permit. 
  5. I have fully read, understood and agreed to the aforementioned terms.

Written submissions must be thoroughly edited and formatted, and submitted without the author's name on the manuscript or cover letter. The Brushfire Staff reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to any pieces submitted. You may submit up to 10 pieces, but please submit them as individual files (do not submit one document will all your poems).

Photography submissions MUST be at least 300 dpi. Do not include watermarks or time stamps. The Brushfire Staff reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to any pieces submitted.

Written submissions must be thoroughly edited and formatted, and submitted without the author's name on the manuscript or cover letter. The Brushfire Staff reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to any pieces submitted.

Visual art submissions MUST be cleanly scanned, photographed or cropped and submitted in a .jpg or .png file at a minimum of 300 dpi. The Brushfire Staff reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to any pieces submitted.

Written submissions must be thoroughly edited and formatted, and submitted without the author's name on the manuscript or cover letter. The Brushfire Staff reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to any pieces submitted.

Brushfire Literature & Arts Journal